Meeting 2017-10-03

How can we help?

Meeting called to order by Daniel at 6:11pm 10-3-2017 Attendees: Daniel, Eddie, Robert, Chris, Frank

Update on looking for alternative locations

  • Send email to members.
  • No updates on possible locations


  • Can Crusher, and a different kind of recycling.

Area Czars or Master

  • Tossing around ideas of area coordinators, (overlords, etc) responsible for the different areas.
  • “Help take the weight off of board members, and…”
  • Set a date to start the trial run, and draft a document about masters

Infastructure Improvements

  • Get meeting notes from Daniel
  • Look into the dropbox folder for current scripts
  • Create this thread, work on
  • Create meeting for next week, make sure Eddie and Allen are involved in this.

Robert needs Wix access

Action Items

  • Send email regarding looking for alternative locations: Chris
  • Get Robert Wix Access
  • Google Analytics on the Wix Website
  • Daniel to get the Lease
  • Next Tuesday – Orlando Maker Faire
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