Meeting 2017-11-07
How can we help?
Daniel called to order at 5:59pm
Maker Faire was a success!
Space Update
- Curio on the Drag
- Eddie to call ask about space.
Talking Business Strategy
- How do we keep up the growth we’ve been experiencing?
- Daniel believes we should keep getting community groups to use the space as a meeting point.
- Hackerspace is a place to meet experts, to learn from members who knows things.
- Need to refine a crisp definition of the hackerspace, but its challenging because we are so flexible.
- Trying to find what we should focus on for the next 6 months.
Membership Database
- Chris exploring a prototype Google Sheet for everything membership
- Masterlist of member information
- One list, managed by 1 person.
30 Day Notice for Space
- Received an email from Vicky on 11/7/2017 putting on 30 day notice.
- Need to check if we have the lease, see if we have more than 30 days, talk to Ken McGurn about the lease.
- Need to try and negotiate a low rent, ~$400
- Ask members for other options.
- Option 1:
- Negotiate Rent
- Option 2:
- The space on 53rd
- Option 3:
- The Frank’s bay next to the current shop.
- The plan is: Option 1.
- Joe suggested a space on 6th and 26th, near the circuit city space.