Meeting 2016-12-06

How can we help?

Meeting called to order by Liza at 6:11pm Insurance Information, sent to 3 different companies, expect to hear response in a few days

Old Business: Selling old equipment

Liza Suggests selling hackerspace assets, such as old equipment

Eddie Money should go into General Fund, if surplus then we can decide where those funds are allocated

Old Business: Deliquent members and membership dues

Liza Proposing cut off for monthly payment on the second tuesday of the month, and cut off access after that

Allen According to the policy, Membership dues are due on the 1st of the month, if not paid by the 15th then access is cut off.

Conversation about deliquent members

Allen Document payments that are received. If there is not a written document (such as a Check) or stripe receipt, an email must be sent through the board ( with the details about who gave what amount.

Liza Propose to set date for reelections at the first tuesday of feb

New Business: Vending Machine

Eddie Sent email to Board about buying vending machines.

Allen Concern about selling items. Would need to figure out tax purposes, may be a non trivial event, but should be considered. Would like someone to take over the bookkeeping and processing needed for the transactions of sales (calculated monthly).

Frank Suggest keeping logs of the machine so we have an easy to reference to transactions

Allen Taxes are important when selling things

Business: Card Readers

Frank Propose setting up automatic card reading set up at the North Complex

Board Agrees

Liza Proposes a family plan for membership

Allen Thinks that membership should be easier, agrees with having a family plan

Frank Expecting an order of RFID cards

Table the family plan discussion for next meeting


Liza Reorganized the space, and proposes policy for reserving tables.

Board agrees with policy

Eddie Policy needs to be easily accessible, and possibly pitched during demo night in

Allen Leave copy of policy on each of the workstations, so that they are easily accessable.


Chris Update on the webpage. Email was sent out to the people interested in the website. Will form a committee for the new website development

Liza Meeting is adjourned.

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