Meeting 2018-03-27

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Meeting called to Order at 7:06PM

Voting members in Attendance: Allen Rout, Christopher Hoffman, Daniel Crisman, Daniel Crews, Eddie Reid, Frank Lowry, Joe DiPietro, Joseph Floyd, Kamin Miller, Robert Hauser

Voting member absent: Daniel Smith, Ian Taylor, Jim Wilson, Liza Kholdokova

Year in Review: Secretary Officer Report – Christopher Hoffman

Treasurer Officer Report – Robert Hauser

New Business

Bylaw Proposals:

Board Expansion
  • 3/4 of all voting members not present, vote on bylaw change not possible.
Area Champions
  • Chris moved to approve policy document change.
  • Motion passes
  • Board will discuss the Area Champions implementation during the next board meeting
Membership Requirements and Voting
  • 3/4 of all voting members not present, vote on bylaw change not possible.
Revoke membership vs. Terminated
  • 3/4 of all voting members not present, vote on bylaw change not possible.

Dirty Shop Discussion

  • Daniel Cr. moves to table this discussion for 4 months, Joe D. seconds.
  • Motion passes. Will revisit during the August Board Meeting


  • Christopher Hoffman elected without contest.
Vice President
  • Candidates: Eddie Reid and Kamin Miller
  • Kamin Miller elected as VP
  • Daniel Crews elected without contest
  • No candidates. Robert Hauser to remain treasurer for the time being.
Sergeant at Arms
  • Frank Lowry elected without contest.

Discussion on Pledges for Frank’s Treasure Trove of Tools

Workstation Policy

  • Motion to designate Station 1 as a “You must clear the station before you leave”
  • Motion passes
  • Board will revisit workbench policies.


Meeting adjourned at 9:10pm.

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