Meeting 2018-02-06
6:00pm Board Meeting, West Shop Front Room
Call To Order
Approval of the Agenda
Officer Updates
2017 Annual Financial Report
The report is on track to be completed by February 15, 2018. A fair amount of work remains, but both the PayPal and Bank accounts are currently reconciled and Stripe nearly so. When the work is completed, Quickbooks’ will then be used to its’ full report generating potential.
When this is completed, the Treasurer will focus on completing the first draft of the Treasurer’s Manual to document and consolidate the improvements to basic Treasurer operations.
Given that no system to perform Treasurer work existed within the organization, it has become necessary to develop the “Treasurer’s Toolkit”. This will be a collection of ALL necessary files to perform the role. These will include: upgraded deposit slips, the official Letter of Suspension, donation forms, board member spending agreements forms, the ‘Payments Processed’ spreadsheet for easy data entry, the Treasurer’s Manual, and perhaps more. This effort will also be pursued with vigor upon the completion of the annual report.
Revival of Media Wiki
The previous meeting’s action item of wiki creation has been modified to instead be a revival of the Media Wiki. The people with administrative permissions have been located, and the wiki has been revamped and updated.
New Application Form on Website
The previous meeting’s action item of requiring a photo to be submitted with an application as been achieved. The website has a brand new application form, custom created using the new Wix Code, as a replacement for the 3rd party application form previously used. All new applications will be required to have a photo submitted.
Old Business
New Business
Snack Fund Resolution
Separation of the snack fund from the official Gainesville Hackerspace funds are necessary.
- No future Gainesville Hackerspace funds on snacksIssue: We need to prevent the future commingling of both Eddie’s and Gainesville Hackerspace’s snack sale revenues.Proposed Motion: The board will agree that there will be absolutely no further spending of Hackerspace funds on snacks.
- Eddie as sole manager of the snackerspaceIssue: There’s no easy way to determine which funds currently in the collections box belong to Eddie and which belong to Hackerspace. We need to resolve this.Proposed Motion: That the board agrees that Hackerspace will forfeit any claims on any snack collected money to Eddie (Coming both from the safe and the lock box.). Eddie will manage/secure the snack revenue collection system as he sees fit. All remaining snacks belong to Eddie regardless of the original purchaser.
Account Access
Issue: There exists no definitive list of all vital accounts required to run the organization. Further, the Treasurer does not yet have full access to all such accounts that have an associated monthly bill. As such, he is unable to verify that plans are appropriate for the organization. The Treasurer also cannot get bank statements from the Wells Fargo Account despite multiple requests. This has greatly impeded the ability of the Treasurer to make financial projections particularly with regards to annual and quarterly expenses.Proposed Motion:The Treasurer has created a spreadsheet of all known online accounts (to him). It must be determined which officer requires access to which accounts in order to fulfill their corresponding duties.The Treasurer proposes that the VP be formally tasked with completing this chart and of seeing that officers are granted required access to the appropriate accounts.
Insurance EFT Form
Issue: Walter Agency requested that the organization fill out and return an EFT authorization form. This requires the signature of one of the officers with bank account spending authorization.Proposed Motion: One of the officers with bank account authorization must complete and submit the form.
Signed Officer Spending Agreement
Issue: The Treasurer recognizes the need for greater oversight of spending. All board members with spending power will be required to sign the Gainesville Hackerspace Officer Spending Agreement (Gainesville Hackerspace -> Operations -> Treasurer -> Forms). This form compels authorized spenders to take pictures of all receipts/invoices for items bought with Gainesville Hackerspace funds at the time of purchase and send said images to the entire board at the time of purchase. This measure will insure better financial record keeping and transparency.Proposed Motion: Draft a proposal to change the necessary policies/bylaws to compel all officers with the authorization to
spend Gainesville Hackerspace funds to sign the above mentioned document.