Meeting 2018-01-02

How can we help?

Meeting Called to Order at 6:01pm by Daniel Smith Attendance: Daniel, Eddie, Robert, Chris, Frank

Motion to approve the agenda

  • Daniel S, seconded by Eddie.
  • Motion Passed.

Motion to hold the Grand Opening at January 20th, from noon to 6pm

  • Seconded by Chris
  • Discussion:
    • Eddie raised concerns about setting a date without clear date when back room would be cleared.
    • Need Approved Plan for the layout of back room.
    • List of criteria needed before setting a date:
      • Conduit in place
      • Back room cleaned up
      • Front areas presentable.
  • Motion tabled – Daniel to work on a list of items needed before we vote on a date for the grand opening.

Financial report given by Treasurer

Robert moves to suspend members after 60 days of non-payment.

  • Motion Withdrawn

Robert moves to draft a policy statement defining the parameters surrounding the suspension of membership

  • Seconded by Chris
  • Policy to be created by Robert and distributed to members for consideration
  • Motion approved, 5y/0n

Robert, Eddie and Chris draft a policy for issuing/denying access cards. New door reader.

Chris moves to create a Bylaw Change Committee charged with drafting proposed changes for consideration by the annual meeting to be chaired by Chris

  • Seconded by Eddie.
  • Proposals to include new members to be set up for reoccurring payments.
  • Motion passes, 4 Y, 1 Abstain

Robert moves to accept the help of a volunteer accountant to help organize the books

  • Seconded by Chris.
  • Motion passes, 5 Y

Chris moves to amend the online application to require a picture before an application can be submitted

  • Seconded by Robert
  • Motion passes, 5 Y

Chris moves to create a new wiki via google sites to replace the current

Motion passes, 5 Y

Chris moves to charge the VP with installing the downtown’s RFID at the Dirty Shop Location by Jan 31st, part 2 to make a video tutorial on the process.

  • Robert seconded.
  • Chris amended to charge the VP with installing the downtown’s RFID at the Industrial Shop Location by Jan 31st, part 2 to make a video tutorial on the process.
    • Amended Accepted by Robert
  • Motion passes, 5 Y

Adhoc Committee created, charged with determining how to deal with donations by Next Board Meeting

Daniel moves to adjourn, second by Robert

Meeting Adjourned at 7:49pm.

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