Meeting 2014-02-26 (Annual meeting)
How can we help?
- The voting members shall:
- Elect the Board of Directors
- Candidate for President: Ian Taylor (incumbent, unopposed)
- Candidate for Vice President: Christian von Kleist (incumbent, unopposed)
- Candidates for Secretary: Christian Campbell (unopposed)
- Candidates for Treasurer: Allen Route (unopposed)
- Candidates for Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank Lowry (incumbent, unopposed)
- Elect the Board of Directors
- Discuss and vote on:
- Handling forgiven debts
- Keeping the Hackerspace clean
- Lighting
- New Voting Member Daniel Crisman
- Frank Lowry’s Receipts
- Dues
- Revising bylaws to allow virtual notices
- Receive reports on the activities of the corporation
- Voting members present: Ian Taylor, Christian von Kleist, Clint Collins, Devin Barham, Allen Route, Manuel Haas, Jim Wilson, Frank Lowry, Christian Campbell
- New Voting Member
- Daniel Crisman
- Board Election Results
- As all board members ran unopposed, all candidates were voted on in one vote
- President: Ian Taylor
- Vice President: Christian von Kleist
- Secretary: Christian Campbell
- Treasurer: Allen Route
- Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank Lowry
- As all board members ran unopposed, all candidates were voted on in one vote
- Forgiving debts
- Christian Campbell and Allen Route will draw up a proposal to be signed and voted on by the voting members
- Cleaning the Hackerspace
- Voted to allow a trial period for Mark Venske to clean the space. Several voting members are willing to chip in a months dues for Mark’s initial month.
- Lighting
- Voted to allow a $200 budget to lighting. Frank Lowry and Christian Campbell will discuss and propose a plan at the next meeting March 4th.
- Frank’s Receipts
- $35 dues for members, $25 dues for students
- Voted and passed for both measures
- Revise by-laws to allow virtual notices
- 3/4 of voting members signed the revision proposed by Christian Campbell